Saturday, August 24, 2019

Rest in Peace Rick Loomis

As I reported here, Rick Loomis was recently hospitalised fighting cancer. Today I am sad to learn that he has passed away. Rick Loomis was an important figure in the Tabletop industry.  In 1970, he founded Flying Buffalo Games (Tunnes & Trolls, Grimtooth's Traps, Mercenaries, Spies, & Private Eyes and more). He was also one of the founders of GAMA (the Game Manufacturers Association) where he served as President for 7 years. As President of Flying Buffalo, Rick worked with well known creatives like Michael Stackpole, Liz Danforth, Jennell Jaquays and others.

 Loomis had a good relationship with Dave Arneson. Dave owned shares in Flying Buffalo and when he gave up running is own company, Adventure Games, he sold that company to Flying Buffalo. Dave also contributed to at least one Flying Buffalo publication, City Book II: Port o Call, which I referenced my most recent Thonia Sourcebook.

 It feels strange now, that I chatted with Rick, only a few months ago about Dave Arneson. He was very helpful. Rick seems by all accounts to have been a very nice man.

May he Rest In Peace.



  1. A legend, and a very fine person, has passed...

  2. Dave and Rick were indeed good friends. Dave also wrote the Case of the Pacific Clipper for Flying Buffalo. It is a 1930-40's style solo and GM adventure where the player characters fight the Nazis before or after WWII. IT's a fun read.

    Rick was truly a kind, gentle man who very very rarely had a ill word to say about anyone. I worked with him for almost 40 years and he was a huge influence on my life in almost every way...

    1. Thank you for sharing this here Steve! Iam so sorry for the loss of your friend. Thank you for reminding me about Pacific Clipper. I actuallyown that book, but have yet to play or run it. Maybe now will be the right time :)

  3. A memorial will be held for Mr Loomis on October 19th:


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