Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Toska Rusa Miniature Available!

As I reported a few weeks back, the Blackmoor miniatures are back! ArmorcastDLL is not allowed to use the Blackmoor Trademark names, but these miniatures are still the same ones that Lance & Laser made during the Zeitgest Games Era of Blackmoor products. Even more exciting, this includes the limited edition Toska Rusa miniature that apparently Lance & Laser never got around to making! Toska Rusa is of course as most of you will know, the queen of the Afridhi, detailed in DA4 The Duchy of Ten.

Best news of all, these miniatures are all available now! As Glenn from Armorcast writes:

 The minis are all up in the webstore. I have found three minis that were late releases and the limited miniature. The Frogmen set was one of the last to be listed, the evil sorceress was the limited miniature and the casting sorceress was the regular production variant, that was never released. Are all available here at www.armorcast.com under Lance and Laser miniatures.

I know that Armorcast will have one new customer for sure. How about the rest of you? Visit Armorcast's website now.

More details on which miniatures you need to get here.


Sunday, January 13, 2013

Nosnra Comes to D&D Next

Nosnra is of course the notorious antagonist of the classic AD&D adventure G1 Steading of the Hill Giant Chief. WotC now reveals that this adventure will appear as part of the D&D Next playtest run later this year.  G1 was the first adventure module published by TSR, unless you count Temple of the Frog, which was part of Supplement II of course. Does this mean we might get to see yet another rendition of Temple of the Frog as well?

In the module written by Gary Gygax, Nosnra the Giant, is of course a reference to our own Dave Arneson, so this gives reason to celebrate here at the Blackmoor blog!

Image Source: http://www.flickr.com/photos/dungeonmaster/150871610/


Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Blackmoor Miniatures Return in 2013!

When Dave Arneson's company Zeitgeist Games announced that they were relauncing Blackmoor back in 2003, the company Lance & Laser obtained the lisence to produce miniatures for the setting. The miniature line included Ash Goblins, Beastmen, Afridhi, Thouls and other classic Blackmoor creatures. I posted more pictures and details about these miniatures in this blog article.

Now the old Dave Arneson miniatures are due to return thanks to Armorcast LL:

"All of the old Arneson Select molds and masters have been purchased by Armorcast at www.armorcast.com. The miniatures will be re-released during the first quarter of 2013.
 -Steve aka Ginfritter VP Armorcast LLC"
This could be my chance to finally get my own Blackmoor miniatures! :)


Into the Wild Blue Yonder - Blackmoor Adventure from tFotT and Rob Kuntz

  Into the Blue Yonder is now available for preoder from tFotT. This adventure was written by Rob Kuntz and was demonstrated at ArneCon last...