Monday, June 29, 2020

Jim Holloway Has Passed Away (-June 29, 2020)

I'm sad to learn that prolific RPG artist Jim Holloway has passed away. A self-taught artist, Holloway started out doing illustrations for Dragon and Dungeon Magazines since 1981 and other TSR D&D products from 1983. In addition to working on Dungeons & Dragons products, Holloway produced paintings and illustrations for a number of RPGs including Paranoia (West End Games), FASA's Battletech, Chill (Pacesetter Games) and Sovereign Stone (Sovereign Press).

His son posted the following on a Facebook group dedicated to Holloway's art:

I feel like it’s necessary to post this because of all of the support everyone has given my dad over the course of this group. Earlier today, he passed away peacefully. My brother, uncle and I were there for him, holding his hand and telling him we loved him. To everyone who reached out or commented on my post about him being sick, thank you so much. It means a lot to us, and it meant a lot to him. Afterwards, I went to his house and looked at all of his old paintings. I wanted to share this one from the ‘70s with you all — a scene from The Hobbit, a book my dad forced me to read as a kid (I’m not complainin!) it’s a picture of the painting, not a scan, so I apologize for the unlit sections. But if everyone could please continue to share his art in this group and wherever else, my family would really appreciate you helping us keep his memory alive. He was a talented man, and I love seeing the stuff everyone shares.

I personally have fond memories of his humorous interior illustrations in Mystara's Gaz10 The Orcs of Thar as well as his work in Paranoia RPG. His unique style made his art easy to recognize even for a young gamer like myself back then.

Rest in Peace.

Image: Photo taken from Jim's no longer existing website.


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