Monday, June 8, 2015

Flying Buffalo's Rick Loomis Retires from Origins Game Fair

Photo by Tim Riley
Rick Loomis, founder of Flying Buffalo Games (Tunnels & Trolls, Grimtooth Traps etc) just annouced that he is retiring from his positition as President of GAMA, the organization that runs the Origins Game Fair.

Earlier today he posted the following on Facebook:

"Well, Origins is over and I'm on my way home. FYI after many years as President of GAMA (the organization that runs Origins and does other fine things for the industry), I have retired and let someone else start leading/doing the work. Justin Ziran from Wiz Kids is the new President. I will remain on the board as Board Member Emeritus, offering advice whenever I can."

Loomis was friends with Dave Arneson who also for a time owned shares in Flying Buffalo. Dave ended up letting Loomis take over the remaining stock of Arneson's company, Adventure Games  (Adventures in Fantasy, when that company was terminated.

Dave mentioned this episode in his interview with Ciro Alessandro Sacco at the Kyngdoms:

I am a part owner in Flying Buffalo, and I have been so for several years before I founded Adventure Games. When I decided to terminate Adventure Games, Rick Loomis (president and founder of Flying Buffalo) agreed to take over my remaining stock. It is a reputable company with a wonderfull President and he is also a good friend: the choice was natural. 

It was also through Rick Loomis and Flying Buffalo that Dave met Michael Stackpole.

This blog author thanks Rick for his work for GAMA and wishes him luck on future endeavours!


PS: I normally do not pull quotes from people's facebook walls. However, since this post had already been shared by several people I am making an exception. Hope you won't mind Mr Loomis!

Into the Wild Blue Yonder - Blackmoor Adventure from tFotT and Rob Kuntz

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