Sunday, March 21, 2010

Final Blackmoor Cover!

Jim pinto of Knightime studios just posted what would have been the final version of the Blackmoor: Age of the Wolf cover. I posted an article of an earlier version of this cover back in November. I think this final version looks really good. How about you?

Read more about it and see more pictures at the Knighttime Studio blog. From the various images used, I recognize Lee Smith's Herald of Thanatos, posted on this blog a few days ago. In the top left corner is part of the image used at the cover of the City of the Gods adventure (ZG version).



  1. It would have been nice.
    --Perhaps it will still see light of day?

  2. Age of the Wolf sounded like it had a lot of potential.:(

  3. you know i don't capitalize my name?


    liked the rhythm of these comments, so i had to go and ruin it

  4. Thanks for the comments everyone!

    TS/Dar/BlUSkrEEm: It would have been cool to see AoW. I know that some of the writers involved still would like to see it finished.

    jim: Hehe, fixed! By the way, any chance of seeing you come up with covers for the other planned (but never published) products?



  5. sure

    give me a list of products that you know will never get published and i'll try faking a cover design or two.... that yellow cover on my portfolio is for a contest i never entered.


Happy 2025 - 50 Years of Published Blackmoor!

  I hope everyone has had nice celebrations for the New Year and are ready for 2025 to begin. 50 years ago, TSR published the second supplem...