Thursday, July 27, 2023

Happy Gary Gygax Day 2023!


Happy Gary Gygax Day! This is a good reminder that without both D&D Co-creators, D&D would never have become the success that it is today. While this blog focuses on Dave Arneson and Blackmoor, I have always been clear about being a fan of both creators and the work they did for our wonderful hobby.

Dave Arneson Game Day is October 1st, but today we celebrate Gary. 

What are you doing in gaming today? 



  1. Huh. Completely missed the date. However, I can tell you that on 7/27 I was at a block party in which my wife introduced me to some neighbors who expressed interest in me running D&D games for their kids...and possibly for them (the adults) as well.

    So, yeah. Happy Gygax day.
    : )

  2. Good to know you are still here JB! :) Sounds like you spent your Gygax day doing the right thing! :)


Chaosium 50 Year Anniversary (1975-2025)

 This is not just the 50 year anniversary of the Blackmoor Supplement and with that, Blackmoor in its published form. This also marks the 50...