Saturday, August 10, 2013

D&D Rules Cyclopedia Advert

Kyrel posted this picture over at Dragonsfoot and I just had to share it. Dave Arneson himself apparently even admitted to loving this particular version of D&D. Note the pre-production cover of the Rules Cycøopedia up there in the left corner.

Anyway, there is a call to reprint the RC over at, so go ahead and sign the petition. Rumour has it that this is the only edition of D&D that is so good that WotC doesn't risk reprinting it. We shall see!



  1. I used to have this :) Came with my very first D&D box.

  2. Reading through each successive D&D Next playtest packet, it seems to me that they are just getting closer and closer to BECMI/RC D&D....

  3. You folk know that you can pick up the .pdf at Drivethru RPG, right? Personally I prefer digital to those overpriced things WoTC has been cranking out,

  4. I still have my hardcopy from '92 as well as the .pdf. But I wouldn't mind another copy on the bookshelf.

  5. My copy from the 90's is one of the gems of my gamebook collection.

  6. I have two copies of the RC and the Black Box. Still need more :)


Blackmoor Trademark Now Registered to Estate of Dave Arneson LLC

  As of March 4th, 2025, the Blackmoor Trademark is listed as Registered to the The Estate of David Arneson LLC. The estate first applied t...