Tuesday, December 13, 2011

We Are On Facebook!

You can now "Like" my blog on Facebook. Click on the Like button to the right, or visit the Facebook page here. This is all part of my plan to spread the word of Blackmoor to an even wider audience. What experience do you other bloggers have with using social media for pushing your blogs?



  1. You might also want to check out the Facebook app "Networked Blogs" that'll automatically syndicate your blog entires to your Facebook Wall.

  2. Yeah, I have that Networked Blogs app...have for years. It's never synced a single blog entry to my wall...


Amazing Blackmoor Map by Greyhawk and Blackmoor Fan

(map excerpt only) This amazing Blackmoor map details Blackmoor as it appears in the World of Greyhawk. It was by a Blackmoor fan named Stev...