Monday, August 29, 2011

3rd Annual NYC Arneson Memorial Gameday: October 1

A little over a month to go to the 3rd Annual NYC Arneson Memorial Gameday! Previously this New York City based event was held in March, but has now been moved to October 1st which is Dave Arneson's birthday. Although I have yet to get it confirmed, it is believed that it will be held at the Brooklyn Strategist. This year's events include:

  • Michael Curtis will be running games of Stonehell Dungeon
  • Joseph Bloch will be running games of Adventures Dark & Deep, and will have a new version of the Bestiary
  • Luke Crane will be running games of DNA/DOA using a hack of Burning Wheel Gold
  • Darren Watts will be running games of Lucha Libre for the HERO System
  • Tavis Allison and others will be running games of the soon to be published Adventurer Conqueror King
  • Paul Hughes will be running 4E using his poster of the OD&D random monster charts
  • Daniel Boggs can't make it, but will be writing a piece for the program book and sending a single-volume collection of Dragons at Dawn & its first sequel
  • Panel discussion about Arneson's legacy and how it's shaped modern culture; panelists will include journalists Ethan Gilsdorf (Wired, Salon) and David Ewalt (Forbes) .
More information can be found here. If you are going, make sure to send me the reports, pictures, videos or sound recordings. I want them :)

Image Source


Sunday, August 28, 2011

What I did in Blackmoor this summer

Nah, I did not participate in any pagan summer solistice rituals, but I have taken the last month off from postig here, feeling that I deserved a break to recharge the batteries and spend some time on real life things. I did to some pretty exciting things in gaming this summer however, that I will be sharing with you in the coming posts. Some highlights include:

  • Going to Scandinavia's largest gaming convention, RopeCon in Finland.
  • Meeting some of my heroes in game design including Frank Mentzer, Erik Mona, James Raggi and others.
  • Meeting several friends from the Piazza, the Comeback Inn and Dragonsfoot in real life for the first time. And finding out that they are very cool people in real life as well as online!
  • Playing an amazing Blackmoor adventure face to face with Rafael and Saunattonttu. 
  • Picking up some very cool RPG items, including Lamentations of the Flame Princess (at last!), Dark Chataeu and many others. 
  • Finally getting my hands on Adventures in Fantasy and some other rare Dave Arneson items. 
  • And much more... 
I will leave you with just that teaser for now, but expect more detailed reports to be coming up on many of these items.


Into the Wild Blue Yonder - Blackmoor Adventure from tFotT and Rob Kuntz

  Into the Blue Yonder is now available for preoder from tFotT. This adventure was written by Rob Kuntz and was demonstrated at ArneCon last...