I have always been an advocate of playing a wide variety of tabletop RPGs. I have played and enjoyed almost every edition of D&D. I have also been lucky enough to play a number of non D&D RPGs. I have to thank my friends for exposing me to many of these games. After discovering D&D, we wanted to try everything we could get our hands on. I still love early edition D&D, but I am happy that I got to try so many other RPGs early on and am still able to play in many of them. I am currently a player in a RuneQuest 5 Campaign in an amazing homebrew setting. My first exposure to RuneQuest was RuneQuest 3 which we had a lot of fun with. One of my early non D&D experiences as a Game Master was running an early ElfQuest campaign. I am not sure I did a very good job, but my friends kept coming back for new games, so I guess I was doing something right. I put some money into the last year's ElfQuest RPG Kickstarter, so I can't wait to get that version in the mail.
I am happy to see Chaosium still going strong. I hope to see lots of fun stuff from this company in the future as well!