Friday, August 25, 2023

Why ArneCon Moved Dates to October 22-23

 As mentioned in my update yesterday, ArneCon 2023 has moved dates to October 22-23. This had the unfortunate side effect of taking place at the same time as another gaming convention, Gamehole Con (Oct 19-22) based in Madison WI. Not only that, but five other conventions are apparently taking place in the Twin Cities that weekend. ArneCon Organizer Griffith Morgan clarified why ArneCon was forced to move to this date rather than the original plans for late September:

Obviously this sort of thing happens and one will just have to make the best of the situation. Hopefully, having multiple conventions during the same weekend won't hurt either event as much as some fans fear. 

Are you going to ArneCon this year? I would love to hear from you! :)


1 comment:

  1. From Griffith Morgan: Malia has been playing RPGs since she was a kid, Sure she will show up at any event honoring her father. The difference here is the official backing from the David L. Arneson Estate. This means the convention isn't a fan boy gathering of 30 people with well wishes. This is the real deal.
    This is a sanctioned event.
    The Fellowship of the Thing has been doing a lot in the past decade to get the real story out there about the role the entire MMSA/Blackmoor Bunch had in the creation of RPGs. When Malia saw we weren't a bunch of well wishers trying to do a fly by night project she also backed the movie project.
    We have the proven track record and skill set to accomplish a project of this scope. Without mentioning what we did before getting into the gaming business we have already accomplished a great deal.
    At this point we have done what no one else could do, which is to make a feature film on the actual history of the RPG origins. We also completed 3 big kickstarter projects successfully. We are currently in development of several never published games along with some new games that fall within the traditional style of tabletop gaming.
    The convention is going to be small, but it will have a huge heart. It's going to be a very exciting event with a lot of cool games to try. It may be one of those things which people will later say, it was the best convention they were ever at, because it made for a very intimate experience where you could walk up to anyone and talk about gaming.
    My advice to anyone in the area who is into gaming is simple: Get a BADGE before it's too late.


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