Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Secrets of Blackmoor Documentary Now Available to KS Backers

At last, the Dave Arneson documentary, Secrets of Blackmoor is now available for Video on Demand streaming for backers of the Kickstarter. This is exciting! I will write a more detailed review later when I have had time to really appreciate the documentary. However, I have to say that parts of this documentary are really moving. I really like seeing the Twin Cities gang get together around the gaming table. It is great listening to them and hearing their enthusiasm for gaming and how genuine it is. It is also touching to hear them talk about their memories of Dave. Another highlight for me was seeing Dave's daughter, Malia, talk about her father and what he was like as a person.

Have you seen the documentary yet? What did you think about it? Let me know in the comments!



  1. When will the documentary be available to folks outside the KS, Havard?


  2. Hi Allan,
    I will investigate this. I'm guessing they will wait untill KS Backers get their physical copies. Will keep you posted if I find out more :)


Blackmoor T-Shirt from 80sTees

I got a tip from my friend Cory that  80sTees are selling these awesome looking Blackmoor T-Shirts with the image from the cover of D&D...