Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Dave Arneson Game Day 2018 Highlights!

Painting by Viktor Mukhin 

Dave Arneson Game Day 2018 was a great success! Many people all over the world participated and contributed in various ways. Some simply ran or played games, which is afterall the heart of the hobby. Others shared ideas, material and greetings on the Internet. I cannot cover everything in this blog post and I ask that you please add things in the comments that I have not included. I will edit this post to include more. However, some highlights include:

Original Blackmoor Player and Comeback Inn Alumni

  • Greg Svenson's sourcebook: GS3 Newgate Castle Gazetteer, with foreword by Dave Arneson.
  • Interview with David Fant, the first baron of Blackmoor, at Dan Bogg's blog

Corporations and Game Designers
  • Goodman Games two-part article on Dave Arneson by James Maliszewski
  • TSR alumni and Calidar Creator Bruce Heard's tribute to Dave Arneson

Fan Created Game Materials for Blackmoor
  • Living Blackmoor - Campaign and Adventure Collection for Advanced Fighting Fantasy by Yaztromo
  • Spooky Blackmoor - Gaming material for Savage Worlds by Boddynock at the Gnomish Embassy Blog

And More!
Many people left comments, on the Facebook event group, in the Facebook Group Blackmoor Fans, at The Comeback Inn, on The Piazza, ENWorld, Dragonsfoot, OD&D74 and other forums. 

Remembering Uncle Duke
Duke "Uncle Duke" Seifried passed away ony two days prior to this year's Dave Arneson Day. Not only an important figure in our hobby, but also someone who was important to Dave Arneson and his circle. This left a definite mark on this year's event. Our thoughts go to Duke's family and friends. 

Final words
Thank you so much to everyone for participating. Some of us are doing Blackmoor Week all of this week so more Blackmoor related material will be appearing in the coming days, so stay tuned!

If you want to read more about Dave Arneson Day 2018 or want links to the free downloads and other items mentioned above, visit the Comeback Inn for this link:

Official Dave Arneson Game Day 2018 Thread at The Comeback Inn

See you next year!



  1. cool, glad it went well!
    remind us ahead of time next year, if you can?

    1. Thanks Genghis! I've tried to spread the word, but maybe I was posting in the wrong places? :)


Blackmoor Trademark Now Registered to Estate of Dave Arneson LLC

  As of March 4th, 2025, the Blackmoor Trademark is listed as Registered to the The Estate of David Arneson LLC. The estate first applied t...