Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Mystara Marches On!

As I posted in Mystara Community History discussion at The Piazza yesterday, 2013 is significant to the Mystara community as the year when Mystara modules returned to PDF. In addition to that Bruce Heard is posting even more Alphatia material on his blog, giving us the full details on the Kingdom of Ar.

Yesterday I got news that the Vaults of Pandius just got a new update! This update includes many old articles, including material from Bruce Heard there as well. Click here to see whats new.

If you are on Facebook, make sure to join the Mystara Reborn group to socialize with other Mystara fans and authors from the Golden Age. Also 127 people now "like" Aleena the Cleric. Are you one of them? :)



  1. Thanks for the feedback everyone! Looking back at the illustration I chose for this article, I think that "Mystara Rides On" would have been a better title ;)

    1. The question is: "Mystara rides on... what?" Hmmm... maybe I shouldn't say! :-)

      Diesel! It rides on diesel!


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