Thursday, August 8, 2024

Clock & Steam (2007) - A Sourcebook for ZGG's Dave Arneson's Blackmoor D20 Line

Clock & Steam (2007) was published by Zeitgeist Games and focused on adding various forms of technology such as clockwork and steam technology mixed with a bit of magic to the d20 Dave Arneson's Blackmoor product line. 

This was one of the last books that were published for D&D 3E by Zeitgeist Games before their team up with Code Monkey Press. Written by Rodney Thompson, the book introduced a new Inventor Class that would later be revisited in the sadly short lived 4E update of Dave Arneson's Blackmoor. The sourcebook produced game statistics for a number of technological items, including original Blackmoor campaign items like the Warhorse and Armor belonging to the Blue Rider.  Interestingly the book states that the material within is not official Blackmoor material.

Clock & Steam 
Blackmoor Creator: Dave Arneson 
Executive Producers: Dave Arneson and Dustin Clingman 
Writer and Designer: Rodney Thompson 
Blackmoor Line Developer: C.A. Suleiman 
Cover Artist: John Donahue 
Interior Artists: Dan Bryce, Jon Hodgson, Doug Kovacs, Britt Martin, and Beth Trott 
Cartographer: Ed Bourelle 
Art Director: jim pinto 

 Once viewed as the idle pursuit of low races, the development of clockwork and steam power has since swept across the lands of the North like a wildfire. High Thonians now boast the bravest and most innovative advances in these arts, and the call for the fruits of their labors grows louder with each passing day. But every new order threatens the old, and resistance to the march of progress grows, as well. What stand will you take in the name of science? Harness the Power of Invention ! Welcome to Clock and Steam, the comprehensive guide to "gadgetech" for Dave Arneson's Blackmoor. This long-awaited sourcebook reveals the ways in which clockwork and steam-powered devices have shaped the lands of Blackmoor, and adds new dimensions of play to any fantasy campaign. Now players can step into the role of creator, with a new base class-the inventor-and prestige classes such as the clock mage, the infuser, and the warmaker! 

 Publisher : Zeitgeist Games (January 1, 2008) 
ISBN-10 : 0978576152 ISBN-13 : 978-0978576158 
Item Weight : 12.6 ounces 

By the PDF from DrivethruRPG (not an affiliated ID link)

Read more about this sourcebook at The Comeback Inn

Do you own this book? How would you use it in a campaign?


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