Wednesday, August 14, 2024

ArneCon 2024 T-Shirts and Other News


ArneCon is the convention organized by The Fellowship of the Thing, producers of the Secrets of Blackmoor documentary. As I mentioned back in February, this year's convention will take place on October 4-6. The addition of Rob Kuntz as a guest of honor is a very welcome addition along with others who also have a long history with Blackmoor

The art for the t-shirt was announced yesterday. I like the image of Dave as a mage in front of the castle. You can find out more about the convention, events and how to get tickets here

Also, several Blackmoor alumni may be spotted at the MN Gathering, is coming up on the 29th of this month!

Are you going to ArneCon this year? Let me know about your plans and what you are the most excited about!


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