Saturday, April 15, 2023

DaveCon 2 This Weekend


A game of Circus Maximus at DaveCon 2023

Victor Dorso's DaveCon returns this Weekend and reports are coming in. This is the second time this convention is being organized. The convention, named in honor of Dave Arneson takes place in Bloomington, Minnesota. I wrote about the program for the convention back in February. Since then, Dorso has also revealed various merchandise items that I assume will be available for sale at the convention, including dice trays, gaming coins and dice. 

David Wesely, William J Hoyt and Mike Carr are special guests of honor at the convention. I applaud this list of special guests all three are important figures in gaming history and all three were part of Dave Arneson's gaming group. 

Are you at DaveCon right now? Please share your experiences in the comments! :)


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