Monday, September 21, 2015

Wizards of the Coast Community to be Shut Down


Posted in News on September 16, 2015 By Wizards of the Coast Archive 

Choosing to retire a former foundation of our community was not an easy decision, but we feel that we must adjust our communications structure to reflect where conversations about Wizards of the Coast games are taking place.

Social media has changed significantly over the last ten years, and discussions about games aren't exclusive to company-hosted forums. The majority of community conversation takes place on third-party websites (such as Reddit, Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, and many other fantastic community-run websites), and it is up to us to evolve alongside our players.

We encourage past and current users to retrieve any information you want to retain from the Community Forums for both Dungeons & Dragons and Magic: The Gathering. The shutdown will occur on October 29, 2015, at 10:00 a.m. PT.

We want to provide enough time for our forum members to move their content, and we recognize that given our forum's vibrant user base and extensive history, this may take time. Any information still on the forums on the cut-off date will be deleted. Thank you to all of our past and current forum users. You helped build our community into what it is now, and we look forward to continuing to interact with you on our many active social platforms.

The above was taken from:



  1. While I hate to see a forum go down, I haven't been active on the WOTC forum for years. It does hurt that a nexus for 5e discussion is going away but hopefully a new one will start up soon.

    I am not a fan of using Facebook or G+ for discussing the game as it is harder to find information on them. Again, here's to hoping a new forum will show up.

  2. Hey Josh, thanks for commenting. I agree with you about FB and G+ being poor substitutes for a forum run by the company. On the other hand, WotC have been fairly poor custodians of the community part of their website as shown in my other blog entry:

    I am not at all buying that forums are a thing of the past. There is plenty of activity going on on ENWorld, The Piazza, Dragonsfoot, RPGnet and elsewhere.


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