Friday, May 22, 2015

Braunstein! Issue Resolved out of Court

Yesterday, I wrote about the debacle concerning a minor RPG publisher's decicision to make use of the name Braunstein! for their game without consulting with Braunstein creator David Wesely first. Today I have good news regarding this question. David Wesely writes the following:

"I have received a very nice apology from the publishers of the "Braunstein" offered by Drive Thru. They have offered to change the title and delete some of the text; we are in discussions about settling this amicably."

 I think it is great that such an issue can be resolved amicably and without involving lawyers and courts. Misunderstandings can happen and admitting it when you have made a mistake is a great sign of character. I wish the publisher all the best in future endeavours.



  1. Nice when people can act like adults.

  2. I'm glad this was amicably resolved. Gamers working together to correct a misstep.

  3. I'm pleased to hear this - I didn't think that the people behind Pits & Perils were rip-off merchants, and so I was hoping that they'd be able to come out of this without becoming a target for too much anger.

  4. This might be of interest:


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